Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Things Sarah Palin Has Ruined for Me

In other words, things she has managed to somehow suck all the good out of and replace it with (insert any Palin idiosyncrasy here...lipstick):

1. Alaska. Goodbye beautiful scenery, wildlife sanctuaries, and spectacular seafood. Hello wolf shooting and oil drilling.

2. Hockey moms.

3. Her political credibility (pick your own concoction of witty expressions, vacuous interview answers, or policy choices to blame for this one).

4. Rimless glasses. Seriously. I really considered getting some.

5. A perfectly tailored skirtsuit. Just kidding. That's an institution not even Sarah "I can have more influence outside of my elected office" Palin herself could ruin.

1 comment:

Hoya32 said...

Don't forget that the wolf shooting is from helicopters. Does that ruin helicopters for you too?