Sunday, December 14, 2008


Arianna Huffington, editor-in-chief of the Huffington Post (go figure) was Jon Stewart's guest on The Daily Show a few days ago. Apparently she has just written a new book about blogging, and while on the show she advised everyone to blog about their "secret passions." Her secret passion is cheese.

Right now I am thinking that International Finance is neither a secret nor an overt passion of mine.

I guess, as silly as it may seem, blogging about your secret passions can get you a good job. As long as you can turn it into actually writing about your secret passions. Like Amy Thomas of the New York Times. She spent an entire day riding a bike around Paris eating extremely fancy chocolate. Then she got to write about it in the Times. Yep. I'm jealous of her too.

In other news, I probably just added about 200 calories worth of half and half to my coffee. ("Oh my gosh, you're such a girl!")

Painting: Wayne Thiebaud

1 comment:

Allison Blood said...

sometimes on my blog, i have my "not so secret wishes." I wish someone would be like "you want to be a super hero? awesome! heres a job."
yeah...never going to happen.